ERM Information Technologies

CRM Software Company for 20+ Years

More Than Just a CRM

ERM (Extended Relationship Management) Information Technologies (ERM IT) is a technology and CRM software company that has been in the relationship management business since 2002. It offers its customers end-to-end, integrated, and best-in-class CRM solutions.

As ERM IT, we have implemented over 500 successful CRM projects in many different sectors, ranging from 3 to 10,000 users. 300+ satisfied customers have grown their businesses, strengthened their customer relationships, and made their lives easier with our #1 CRM solutions.


Our History

ERM IT was established.

The XRM CRM product was launched, gaining attention with its Contact Management and Activity Management features.


XRM Professional was developed.

Electronic Marketing functions were added, and the new release was enhanced with Planning, Email/Fax, and Document Management features.


GeniouX CRM was introduced to customers.

The CRM program achieved comprehensive functional depth with the addition of Service Management, Proposal Automation, and Opportunity Management.


smartClick made its debut.

The 100% web-based CRM solution, smartClick, delivered an experience that exceeded customer expectations with its brand-new features. Several new functions were added, including database support, personalization, advanced reporting, detailed processes, and ready-made reports.


Global functions were added.

With the addition of web services, multi-language support, dealer/service center integration, self-service application, mobile application, and various integrations, smartClick has achieved a depth of solutions that can compete with global companies.


Branch opened in Teknopark.

An office was opened at the R&D centre to develop the next generation of CRM solutions.


Cloud version of ERM CRM released

CRM solutions previously offered on-premises began to be offered to customers cloud-based (public and private cloud).


20+ Years of CRM Expertise


+ Happy Customer


+ User


+ Project


+ % Satisfaction

Our Vision


As ERM Information Technologies, we aim to be the first company to come to mind regarding CRM software in Turkey within five years and be the most suitable, sought-after, and preferred solution for Turkey’s CRM needs.

In 10 years, we envision ERM Information Technologies as a global technology leader, pioneering new concepts and technologies in relationship management. Our growth strategy includes expanding our sales network, particularly in Europe and the USA.

Our Mission

We provide companies of all sizes and industries with the No. 1 CRM solutions, which are compatible with the latest technologies and suitable for all types of needs.

Our all-in-one and integrated CRM platform is designed with a customer-centric approach. Our main mission is to make our customers’ lives easier, help them grow their businesses, and strengthen their customer relationships.


Our Values


You have so many reasons
to work with us.



With over 20 years of experience, we’ve crafted a CRM platform with unparalleled benefits.


Our CRM References

Over 300 of our customers have started doing business perfectly with ERM CRM.


Our CRM Projects

With 500+ projects, our customers have outpaced the competition and grown their businesses.


Do you have any more questions?

Feel free to contact us. We’re here to provide the best solutions for your needs and answer any questions.

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Have a question, support request, or suggestion? Contact us by writing or calling—we're always here to help.

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Request a live demo to experience our CRM solutions in action. Our CRM expert will get in touch with you.

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Request a meeting to learn about the opportunities of being a business partner, let's discuss the details.

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Working hours 9:00 – 18:00 on weekdays